Working on Project Nortubel.


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EyeBallTank's News

Posted by EyeBallTank - January 29th, 2023

Prev: https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1331598

I wanted to add a pushable object that the Player and Companion could interact, by pushing it.

At first i used a RigidBody2D but had 2 issues:

  • Every video i watched about pushing RigidBody2D's almost used the same "velocity = move_and_slide(parameters)" method and using that in a Player character script always messed with their values/physics (They jump higher and move faster than they should be); Because ideally, i'd want to access only one parameter which is the inertia part.
  • The "pushable" object still felt floaty, even if it's just a matter of getting settings right.

So instead, i opted for a KinematicBody2D for the pushable object and even made copies of the Player, Companion and said Pushable object so i could use them as bases for new code.

And the stuff i did:

  • Made a state machine on the player, including a PUSH state.
  • Also put a state machine on the Pushable object, with "FROZEN" and "PUSHED" states.
  • Once made it so that if the player touches the Pushable, they switch to a "state" with slow speed (Making the Pushable almost like a sludge hazard, since it works even when the player was on top).
  • Gave the Pushable extra CollisionShape2D nodes based on up/down/both left and right sides, with a "left and side" collision being under a "pushableside" group (Then went back to one Collision).
  • Used a RayCast2D on the player but it had like 3 problems:
  1. First was that it'd crash with things like the Tilemap or Area2D scenes because of specific code expecting another KinematicBody2D.
  2. Second being how it didn't flip properly (And even with code to flip, the angels were random as if it wasn't properly counting 360 degrees).
  3. Third being how the Raycast, no matter the size, would stop pushing the Pushable if the player was high enough in terms of placement.

So i deleted the Raycast node.

If you look at my code for the 3 scenes (Player, Companion, Pushable: Each with "Copy" after their names), you see a lot of commented code because i tried different methods.

I'm obviously committing the mistake of copying code from different tutorials and all, but it's because my coding skills are still weak.

The idea of using a RayCast2D came from a video by clecioespindolagamedev (Video titled "Como EMPURRAR e RESPAWNAR OBJETOS na Godot 3.4 (+Bug Fix Plataforma)") and the video even showed the pushable object as a KinematicBody2D.

Because i believe it's possible to make a pushable object (And pushing state for the player) work while using a KinematicBody2D instead of RigidBody2D.

A method i'm not even sure if i tried properly was make the PushableCopy detect collission from Player/Companion but only from its left/right sides and using inputs (Pressing "left/right") IF it's behind touched by those characters and from respective sides but the exact code reference is not in my head.

Again, my project can be seen here https://github.com/EyeBallTank/PROJECT-NORTUBEL-main-ish/commits/main

Even if you don't download it, you can see the updates and where the specific scenes are stored and their code.

As for other updates with my game:

  • After the main menu, i got a somewhat working pause menu (Didn't made it a proper autoload scene, so it's part of the level technically).
  • Got a jump pad scene that works.
  • Added "placeholder" scenes like a soccer ball and ladder, that should be updated in the future (Even if i feel stuck in this Pushable situation because i made copies of the main characters, so i feel like i have to choose which versions of some scenes will stay so i can update them afterwards).

Guess the least i should do is focus more on learning Godot stuff.

Any help is appreciated.



Posted by EyeBallTank - January 7th, 2023

I implemented a scene transition method, where i can refer to a certain scene (The scene manager) from other scenes.

It uses a transition effect because in a way it had to, so i got a bit creative with what the effect should look like (When i properly expand the game's setting, you'll get what the effect references in-universe).

Though Doors are another issue, therefore i need to properly make them "flexible" sometime.

I organized layers/masks for scenes (Apparently i forgot to do this before) and now the door scene can detect even the companion to change scenes.

ALSO, i should consider making it that both Player and Companion are needed to finish a level.

I also created a "main level script" that levels inherit from, like how Player and Companion already inherit from a "actor" script.

At least i got a custom font (Mikodacs by gluk on FontSpace) that works with Portuguese.

I also managed to make a working options menu thanks to a video tutorial by 16BitDev.

But i also think i should consider a pause button soon, specially if you're playing the game on fullscreen mode.

Again, my project is available on Github.


And because i'm still somewhat clueless and still learning, any help is great.


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 31st, 2022

So lately, i've been thinking of adding a "scene manager" autoload scene to manage how scenes are switched in my game.

Because i had 2 things in mind:

  • There could be cutscenes and other types of menus/UI stuff in my game besides just the levels.
  • The levels (And other scenes) may/will not be in a "linear" order (Specially if i want to include HUB areas, backtracking and/or secret/optional levels and so on).

My plan here is to add a method of changing scenes that is more universal/flexible and future proof, to make sure scenes are changed nicely.

Because hardcoding specific stuff isn't ideal and i want to make sure stuff is loaded properly, even if i need transition effects or some method of keeping track with info (Like if characters carry the same health values or items and so on).

I still added a door object that could be an end level feature, but i still want to make said door to use the "scene manager", even if it needs signals.

While at it, i made folders for specific sprites and added some extra commented/unusable code for when i add extra states to characters.

Again, project can be found here https://github.com/EyeBallTank/PROJECT-NORTUBEL-main-ish


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 27th, 2022

Older posts https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1328205 and https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1327954

When to a clinic for some analysis but tomorrow is when i might get an actual blood sample before the new medicine i got.

Because i've got a prescription to something related to what i might have and it's even been considered that parasites can happen because of pets (I got a dog).

I still want the blood analysis for the sake of information, because i read the paper and there's always going to be side effects.


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 26th, 2022

Follow up to https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1327954 it might have been a slug because i don't think it had a shell, but that doesn't make any difference.

So far i'm sane and i still had some small "pains" but i assume it's usual to stuff like my OCD/stress and maybe what i usually eat or time spent on computer.

That's anothing thing, even if i always had some things (Be it real issues or just feeling the blood flow through veins on my head), i can't tell which are which and seperate it from the potential parasites.

Hell, i could even die from too much paranoia stress than the actual worms, if there's any.

I just need a visit to some health clinic and then confirm stuff.

Anyway, this morning dinner, someone made salad and because it had lettuce, i assumed it was the same one so i avoided it.

Again, paranoia but i wanted to be consistent.

Edit: I looked up that one 1000 Ways to Die episode that i recall and found this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angiostrongylus_cantonensis

Because one thing is the food being poorly done, but another is the food package in itself being in an awful state and somehow being shipped and sold.

PS: If i am 100% confirmed dead, let the world know about EyeBallTank and a group of people read through that 138 page document i made about my characters, study it, preserve it in its last official state and make my dream come true or do whatever with my ideas.

Honestly, at least make me remembered by my ideas and what could have been and not just posts like things.

Like the fact that Project Nortubel is on Github makes it technically open source from the getgo.

At least my 300+ characters and the rest would be public domain for people to enjoy and that'd be a legacy that not even some KF threads making fun of me could take down (And that is IF i'm dead and people care enough for that to happen, because not everyone will have a Kouji Mori for their Kentaro Miura).


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 25th, 2022

And i fucked?

Edit: i should probably add more to it.

The leaves had no holes and the snail was super tiny, but the lettuce was in a large white bowl that was in the fridge and we ate some of it during Christmas dinner yesterday.

I still threw away the leaf that had the snail in it.

Because i fear i could get brain parasites.

I know i wasn't the only one that eat the lettuce and i believe the snail wasn't just in the exact same spot since it got there, it had to move somewhere.

Because i didn't ate the snail, but i know about the trails it leaves as it moves.


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 21st, 2022

Still recovering and reorganizing stuff but i hope things get better soon.

Also, turns out i still had yet another idea for character related stuff.

There's a rare health condition called Situs inversus where someone's organs are flipped/mirrored and i thought this could suit characters implied to be from "mirror universes" whose anatomies are also flipped but it's normal for their case.

Because an idea i had for the Nortubel 6 was there being "age swap" versions of them, where the older/younger sibling switch ages and come from a different universe.


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 18th, 2022

Turns out i kinda lied at https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1316881 but i wanna keep my word for two reasons:

  • I will have a better PC and hopefully improve my work environment and motivation.
  • The year is about to end, so i want to make 2023 what 2022 could have been.

Links again https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QWjE2D9l4qEJQ3rzirwRv3P5pTL15K1Hf8es6vMVG4k and https://www.diffchecker.com/MZAmoUS6/

Now all i need is a good computer and then... get back to work, specially next year.


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 16th, 2022

This is just me thinking of something before it's even implemented but if my WIP spriteset means something, i got too ambitious for what features could be there.

And because i'm making a game with an AI escort-like feature, it means i want that AI to do things besides just moving and jumping.

Climbing can be an issue because you'd either risk them climbing ladders when they shouldn't or ignore ladders when they should climb them.

And using a special "Interact" command would be weird.

IN THEORY, i thought a solution would be making them climb up/down the last ladder that the player did climb.

A bit of a "monkey see monkey do" situation, which may require signals, variables and some complex stuff that i still can't wrap my brain around.

Though there could be situations where the player climbs a second ladder after climbing one that is closer to the companion and it "breaks" the cycle based on where those ladders are placed.

Because with something like swimming, it's "automatic" in comparison to climbing even with the player.

You just touch water and switch to a SWIM state, i guess.

But regardless, too soon to worry about this.

Edit: Wait what about making sure the companion knows when to go UP or DOWN and when to ENTER or QUIT the ladders?


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 12th, 2022

First, i may be getting a new computer soon thanks to people IRL helping me.

Anyway, i finally implemented a working state machine in my project https://github.com/EyeBallTank/PROJECT-NORTUBEL-main-ish but there's two issues:

  • The companion character keeps running around the player during FOLLOWME mode.
  • The companion jumps when the player jumps, so they're likely to get stuck in basic places.

But that requires some tweaks, before i move onto other goals such as:

  • Improving the companion FOLLOWME/STANDSTILL state machine
  • Adding health and death
  • Configuring health/damage/speed/etc values
  • Melee attack state for the player
  • Allowing the player to kick a soccer ball as a form of attack
  • Grapple hook-like feature
  • Slide state for both main actors (Even if i need ice floors or something)
  • Pushable objects and "PUSH" states for both main actors
  • Water and "SWIM" states for both main actors
  • "CRAWL" state for the companion actors
  • Add the sprites animations/frames according to most of the gameplay mentioned above
  • Add "alternate skins" for the companions that represent the 6 characters
  • Switches and keys
  • Rearrange how scene switching works, like a scene manager etc
  • Enemies, NPC's and actual level design

I already wrote some goals in the Github page (Which is also not the same thing as all those plans in the Google doc bible where i overplanned even harder than James Cameron with Avatar).

Also, i did improve the sprite sheet a little better here https://i.imgur.com/fFOKhaM.png so now the image respects the grid.

Any help or hint is appreciated.
