Feeling kinda awful for weeks, at first I thought it could be stress related stuff and just needed to slow down the heart.
But I feel weird stuff in my head, like "loose parts", something "inflating" like a balloon, the empty space of my mouth feeling bigger than it is, what felt like a small "snap" inside my head...
Like what if I got a few broken veins or a tumor?
I'm usually a bit paranoid over health related stuff, so there's an aspect of emotional/psychological stuff to this.
But at night/when I sleep, I wake up with my head feeling light or feel like I'll almost get a stroke.
I even had an instance where if I swallowed (Empty mouth), my mouth would automatically open.
We all know what a "head ache" feels like, so what I feel has sensations on specific places of my head.
I've been told it could just be a flu/cold or something but my coughing felt like it had less to do with that and more to do with whether or not my brain needs more blood/oxygen.
I'm only a few days away from analysis and I hope whatever is going on, can't be that bad and there's solutions with no awful side effects.
Because I want to finish my game.