Had to embrace the concept of a token to use it.
At first, i downloaded the plug-in when i had Project Nortubel open, so a big issue was the files of the Github plug-in being added ALONG WITH the files of Project Nortubel.
This was bad news to me, specially if i wanted to use the plug-in for other projects and if it affects the main project i had open in general.
So i had to reinstall the plug-in by making a new project in Godot, by using an empty folder to store the plug-in there in the first place.
(This means i have a Godot project that's empty and only exists for a weirdly specific reason).
At least i have it now i guess.
But the REAL thing here is: How do i connect the version of Project Nortubel that is in Github to the one i have on my computer?
Because i want to make sure that updating the project on my computer/when using Godot can affect the version of said project in the Github rep page.
Making sure that changes are in both versions of the project.
The only differences that each version has are:
- Github page shows README files, both the main md one and a bunch of txt files to fill in empty folders (Empty folders for stuff like objects or ui elements).
- On my computer, i got that dot import file for stuff like assets etc.
I wanna make sure that a change in one version shows up in another, or at least something close to that.
Because deleting one version to replace it with the other may not be ideal.
This is one reason why i didn't work much on my project, because this new method would be less tedious.
Maybe i should research this a bit better.
EDIT: Turns out, because the Github plug-in is IN a seperate folder from the main project, it means i cannot access the plug-in when i open Project Nortubel.
EDIT 2: Good news, i can just go to that "dedicated plugin" folder i made for it, copy the "addons" folder and paste it on the folder of the main project, so i can use it there.
Now is to make sure that the plug-in can connect the Github rep version to my local version.
EDIT 3: May reconsider using the Github desktop app instead.