Working on Project Nortubel.


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EyeBallTank's News

Posted by EyeBallTank - December 5th, 2022

I have to watch out for certain things like:

  • Warmer clothing to keep myself warm.
  • Rain getting inside my house, specially because my bedroom was originally built as a kitchen with a balcony door.
  • Thunderstorms and electricity.

While at it:

  • Still working on those Nortubel player/companion sprites, now i focus on coloring; My excuses for their quality will be stuff like having to focus on other parts of the game, it being my first game, if i ever get to revamp the sprites etc.
  • Still thinking on getting a new PC, at least just the case.
  • I was also thinking of making my own dedicated Discord server, even if i need to understand things better in regards of how Discord works and making a server; Mostly one where i post info about my projects and development.

I also know of how Godot handles sprites with stuff like AnimatedSprite node and creating a "grid" to select sprites.

So i want to make sure i can properly resize my Nortubel sprite image on Krita, to not break any potential grid.

Because i AM using a grid on Krita but i wonder if i can resize the image to respect the grid or something.


Posted by EyeBallTank - December 4th, 2022

I thought it was just my new mouse having problems but then the arrow stopped in a specific spot and i switched to an older mouse to see the problem still persist.

Then i tried to control the cursor with my drawing tablet and the problem is fixed.

But i still have a wonky middlemouse scrolling.


Posted by EyeBallTank - November 23rd, 2022

I mean this when i think of "How NewGrounds can improve/be more pleasant to users and be more anti-Twitter".

I think pages should be a standards or at least optional in any site hosting art, specially because they used to be standard.

They can help make things more organized/structured.

But i think they are special in situations where someone closes their browser or had their computer turn off and they restart it.

If the website acknowledges pages in the url, you can go back to which pages you were in, whereas in an infinite scroll design page, you loose progress.

To me, infinite scroll is a clear side effect of modern websites being designed with modern phones in mind.

Specially because that format is much nicer in a device where you simply swipe your fingers in a screen than one where you twitch your finger in a mouse wheel.

I also think these site formats say something about generations: An old internet ruled by nerds that had to invest a little on tech stuff, so they encourage new members to research a forum before repeating topics or bumping dead threads.

And a new internet that is commonly used by supposedly "casual users", who don't take it seriously and post "non-content" like food pictures, in a chain of "forgotten memories".

Tumblr as a site has pages, even if it's a buggy site.

But it boggles my mind why artists even used Twitter, because the layout is clearly limited for art sharing (Besides crippling image resolution, the awful video/gif player, the algorithms, the hostile nature of people there etc).

People think modern phones ruined the internet just because "it allowed too many people to use it and they weren't nerdy enough to understand it" but leave out the actual designs of the websites.

If there's options for these settings and i just didn't look for them, then i'm dumb for making this post.

Maybe some people here thought of the same and it might have been suggested already.

Then again, there could be some good reasons why the layout is the way it is here.

Posted by EyeBallTank - November 16th, 2022

I remember a few years ago when Newgrounds did a parody of article 13 and some jokes about copyright filters and shit like that.

Forgot how they were done exactly like, but it was fun seeing that, even as someone worried as fuck because i live under the EU.

Specially compared to other big websites going "this is scary, we care about you" but would still implement that and not care regardless (Also, YT being known for its copyright system problems).

It also reminds me of when 4chan had creative april fool gags like designing the site after Google and randomly generating names (So people tried really hard to get Anthony Burch as a result) or fusing boards which lead to /pol/ and /mlp/ being together.

As far as i know, it seems the copyright filters didn't happen "yet", probably because of some bureaucratic mess going on behind the scenes.

But a site like Pastebin uses filters that prevent stuff from being posted and that's a site most people use for stuff like sharing programming bits and other uses.

A fucking text based site, of all things and it's why i tend to look for alternatives (Rentry still has a character limit).

My computer is acting like a sick dog, so i'm not sure if i should wait until i either properly fix it or get a new PC, because between working on projects and enjoying/watching/reading/playing stuff, i fear it dies right when i don't want it to happen.

Posted by EyeBallTank - November 14th, 2022



One day i'll have to stop editing this long post because beside being a terrible way to introduce stuff to "potential audiences", people like stuff that comes off as "established" and not just "ideas".

This is technically the case with OC's and my stuff suffers from that.

You don't have to justify the existence of your characters by putting them in a project, but that's something i have to if i want them to be interesting and appealing at all.

This applies to my "OC art" unless i properly draw my characters/ideas as if the art could soon be used in a project.

Because it's probably better to draw established characters from stuff and not just to get attention.

I could draw an "okay-ish" drawing of an obscure anime girl and still learn from it.

When i finally feel confident enough with my projects, i will use "character" instead of "OC" to refer to a creation of mine that could be in a finished project and given some presentation.

Is it too soon or too late? Still don't know the answer.

If i ever die and there's confirmation of it, feel free to draw Bonka hugging my spirit like Robin Williams being hugged by the Genie from Aladdin.


Posted by EyeBallTank - November 6th, 2022

I had that kind of headache that felt like a stab in my brain or as if someone put a layer or bubblegum wrap around my brain.

Or worse, as if the brain was being opened.

And for some reason, that affected my nose as if i was suddenly smelling my own brain or blood.

As if my own nerves were malfunctioning a bit and messing up data.

I did have a nosebleed eventually and i had to take care of it.

Because of how skinny i am, i fear that affects both how likely i'm to feel cold and if i accidently block blood flow in my veins (Specially from sleeping on my left side, due to where my heart is).

Need to get more meat, even if it means i can no longer do weird gestures with my fingers in the future (Which somehow didn't broke my hands).

Also, you know the "inhale from nose, exhale from mouth" concept?

I had to do that backwards due to how closed my nose was, plus it feels easier to do both movements from either nose or mouth.

Even then, both nose and mouth felt rusty that they started doing what sounded like weird whistle noises or like subtle Tom and Jerry screams that could catch me off-guard at night (Like "who the hell did that? Oh it's me").

Or like an old train and those old coffee pots with steam coming out.

I also think i drank too much water and was worried if it affected my brain (I still worry about some things at the back of my head and what my actual skull shape might be).

I think i have some stupid misconceptions about the human body and try to tell myself "at least i'm not Steve Jobs".

OCD and weird habits don't always help either.

But i'm getting better, even if i have to wear warmer clothes and even a mask but as of writing this, it's a warm day.

Posted by EyeBallTank - November 3rd, 2022

I have this weird pain that feels like it's behind my nose or throat, like a wound or stabbing and it hurts (Specially when eating) but shows up at random times.

Nose still gets clogged i have to breathe through the mouth with clenched teeth.

I feel bad for all the water and paper and other things i wasted and consumed, i feel like i need to do something to make up for it.

At least i recieved some money from an irl job i did for someone.

Took random naps and in my country, the hour schedule was changed because of winter hours.

Because i feel cold, i try to warm myself with some exercise (Hot showers depends because of obvious economical/resource related shit).

Last winter, my hands were so fragile they had easy cuts in them and i had to wear 4 layers of clothing to handle the winter.

Wearing too many clothes is bad for a lot of reasons but i also don't have many clothes plus there's time and resources wasted when washing clothes anyway.

It's like i have to sacrifice certain customs to survive, since my room was originally a kitchen (Might be a case of "sunk cost fallacy" but so much weird shit is setup in this house, it's hard to imagine how i'd change rooms).

An habit i could abandon is how i shower before getting to bed (Though i'll still brush my teeth and wash my hands and face, specially because of my ear plugs).

I also fear how some of this stuff affects my brain.

Getting sick sucks when you're autistic and have weird habits like how your "force" yourself to burp because you "feel bubbles" in your throat and how that affects even drinking water.

Why am i still alive?

I guess God or some other deity looked at my shit and thought "autism be damned this dweeb has potential, he just needs to work a little bit more and i'll delay the end of the world".

"Well if he keeps drawing characters in shitty symmetrical poses one more time, i'll make him choke on his sleep" - Buddha probably.

Or maybe it's to see if i get old enough to look like a bootleg copy of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Posted by EyeBallTank - November 2nd, 2022

Got sick yesterday. Not COVID but my head and chest hurted a lot (Not anymore).

Nose is still full of snot and there's always one nostril that's clogged up (EIther left or right) and i end up wasting a lot of water and paper over it.

Throat is sore and i drank a lot of water.

Still tried some medicine and stuff like hot tea and a spoon of honey.

I still hope this passes because i want to get back at working on stuff.

Posted by EyeBallTank - October 29th, 2022


Actually, i could highlight some differences:


At least you get to see some portions of this.

Either way, if anyone wants to judge it, try to see if you can memorize and understand the whole thing (Probably not lol).

Pray something doesn't happen to me, like getting cancer or WW3.



Posted by EyeBallTank - October 11th, 2022

Just wanted to branch out a little bit.

Turns out my OC post is still too long for Tumblr, so i added a link there too (Also still did updates there).


I still aim to focus on actual content and not be as "social" in a social media site way.
