Working on Project Nortubel.


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EyeBallTank's News

Posted by EyeBallTank - September 9th, 2024

If Greklovick was heavy on sci-fi, Herrko is fantasy.

Passwords: "e1rr4c", "n1rt4k", "n1vl3m", "n4myl3", "p3bble", "iv4nnn", "eul0r1" and "uulg44".

  • Third companion: Uulga, she doesn’t need to climb ladders and doesn’t get hurt unlike Stella. Her one weakness is being too big for some paths but you’ll manage that.
  • Enemy: Orc (Or rather Horg) that uses his hammer to shoot a shockwave that can stun you and your Companion (When playable).
  • Enemy: Goblin (Or rather Ghalbeen) that shoots an arrow that chases the Player.
  • With both these enemies, you can at least destroy their projectiles.
  • Enemy: Corrupted Tsoovukut knight that can summon a shield and then attack with a sword.
  • NPC/Prefab hybrid sort of: A large creature with a small wooden platform on top and you can see some art of what they look like.
  • Prefabs: Some moving platform stuff like a magic carpet and a “living” piece of furniture in Euloria's room.
  • A section where if you press a switch, lava rises up and you must go up.
  • Nort part seven level 4 has voodoo dolls of the main characters you must protect.
  • Matysha’s art in Krimblevel 2 has changed to have 2 images, therefore being animated.
  • Because of this, the book with text about “animated illustrations” has been taken out of Greklevel2 and put in the level mentioned above.
  • Resized switches in general and redid some sprites and level areas because of this.
  • Added a “resized” version of the jump pad in some levels.
  • Cutscenes 11, 12 ,13 and 14 (Related to Nort part 4 and Greklovick) have the scene paths in the pause menu’s skip button fixed)
  • Guest appearance: Dirk the Adventurer by Madness-inside/Madness2044; You kinda play a game of hide-and-seek with him.

Also, unrelated to the game but on 14th of this month, I’ll take a trip where I leave soon and return late.

So even by 15th, I may not be online.

As usual, feedback is always appreciated and so is spreading the news about this game's existence.


Posted by EyeBallTank - August 17th, 2024

The goal

There's these 2 scenes that represent voodoo dolls based on the 2 main characters (Player and Companion).

  • VoodooDollPlayer
  • VoodooDollCompanion

If they get hurt (Either touched by enemies or the Player's knife attack), they make their respective character get hurt.

This is part of a specific level where the main characters protect these dolls from enemies.

The problem

When the Player's health reaches zero after stabbing their dedicated doll, the live count goes beyond 1, which of course is game breaking.

What I personally find it weird is how no relevant script stuff related to this involves _physics_process().

In general, the way how the doll hurts the player involves a function used in an animation called "doll_hurt".

One reason being so the doll itself also has a "pain animation" where its hurtboxes are disabled.

Because the Player has their own pain animation, so they can’t lose health in a short time period after getting hurt.

Relevant video: https://imgur.com/a/hzUlZMV

The relevant scenes


Thank you for any help regardless.

FIXED: Just created dedicated health bars for the dolls and sort of redid the idea so it's not as "literal" but still.


Posted by EyeBallTank - August 12th, 2024

FIXED NOW: 1st was with help from a /agdg/ anon, the other was me redoing the enemy from scratch.

Problem 1: How Do I make the seeking arrow work properly?

Arrow scene called GhalbeenArrow.

Ideally, I'd want the arrow to travel and chase the player when the enemy (Called HerrkoRedGhalbeen) shoots it.

The arrow would obviously disappear if hurting the player but also if touching the world.

(And I guess the Companion too if HerrkoRedGhalbeen seems the Companion with its Raycast, instead of the Player, if that distinction is needed.

Problem 2: The enemy can't flip properly when touching a well.

They start off moving to the right, which is normal.

But when they touch a well, they do not turn to the left and instead get stuck.

I remember having a similar issue with another enemy (RedJester) and I fixed it by recreating them, but if I recall, I think I did the same with the Ghalbeen and it didn't work.

I thought it had to do with how the collisions are placed in the enemy's scene but not sure if that's true.

Anyway, here's the script/scene pages on the game's Github.






Someone helped me fix the arrow.

But the Ghalbeen's inability to turn around is still there.


Posted by EyeBallTank - August 10th, 2024

A sort of WW2/1 inspired world and some sci-fi elements. 

  • Enemy: A cybernetic corpse monster created by Lahiurn’s scientists. It attacks with a mace if you’re in a middle distance and stomps the floor with electricity if you’re too close.
  • Enemies: Lahiurn soldier that shoots a few bullets and throws a grenade and Eygzouhl soldier with a flamethrower.
  • Hazard: Flechettes falling from the sky.
  • Hazard: Exploding mines.
  • Prefab: A mounted turret gun that you can even use on enemies (Lower your expectations, though).
  • Prefab: A camera that if detecting you or the Companion, it activates some laser hazard in its level (And some screens that usually show war imagery switch to photos of the protagonists as they get caught).
  • Hazard: Said lasers.
  • Ricotto’s art in Krimblevel2 changed

Meanwhile, I once did my first gif ever with Krita and the animation is sort of available in one of the new levels.


Alt Melvin's hand is cropped but I don't mind because he's the least interesting character here.

Also, at least one character here has yet to be seen but he'll show up in chapter 8.

Also, enjoy these 2 images just because.




Posted by EyeBallTank - July 1st, 2024

Brinkaedea, a goofy setting with food, toys, musical instruments, art tools, circus elements etc and you get to see Bonka again.

  • Passwords: d3c4rd, fl3nnn, brkstn, m0nic4, ill0uu, b0nkyy and b0nk44.
  • Enemy: Jester imp that runs around and creates clones that run faster.
  • Enemy: A jack-in-a-box sort of enemy that moves left/right and shoots a boxing glove from above.
  • Hazard: A deadly accordion.
  • Prefab: Piano keys.
  • Prefab: A pinball flipper that can make you jump with the jump button.
  • Prefabs: Some sort of “swinging” platform and another that spins.
  • Prefab: Present boxes you open to reveal something inside.
  • Prefab: A flower that grows leaves which act like platforms. But you need to press a switch and the flower shrinks back after a while (You can still press the switch again).
  • Prefabs: And also a spinning top, a paper plane, some sort of green bumper car and in general goofy stuff related to this world.
  • Guest appearance: Faygo, a clown girl by Slapson.
  • Guest appearance: Punch Monkey, from Chillygamedev’s game of the same name.
  • Both guests require you to find an item for them to go to some place.
  • New objects: Variations of the fall/jump through staticbodies but based on left/right side. Used in the level with the spitter fish.
  • At least one level might be a bit hard, that you could try pressing O/P to switch characters in case the main system isn't feasible.
  • The “worse” hands from Amalia’s boss fight don’t hurt by themselves anymore (To fix a potential softlock); Their shockwaves still hurt.
  • Convo NPC’s now have buttons to make conversations go faster/slower.

Anyway, 7 more levels and 4 more cutscenes.

Do tell me about any potential issues or feedback. 

I still didn’t fix the red text coming out of the Jester enemy but it doesn’t seem to affect players so far, I guess.

Besides this, I also did a sort of “gallery” full of images, some used as reference for my characters/stuff. But it’s also in case I get better art and have a goal or two of what I want my projects to look like.

Also, here’s that trailer with Horbror’s song again just in case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B1rSn-4Wv8 

In the next update: Some sort of WW2 inspired setting.


Posted by EyeBallTank - June 23rd, 2024


A trailer for Nortubel, but edited to include a song by Horbror (Dreams of Joy Departed).

Originally, the trailer was longer and had no music, mainly because I still want the game's music to be thought out at the end when all the levels and cutscenes are done.

Horbror offered to make a song for the trailer, so I ended up editing it based on said song.

This is also the trailer that showed up on /v/3.

Again, to clarify: The game still has no music and I want to figure that stuff out at a much later part of the development.


Posted by EyeBallTank - June 4th, 2024

Could be out for 3 days, if the plans don't change.

Because besides Nortubel, I'm also doing some art collection/gallery and make it seem like references/inspirations/"goals" for my projects.

And even a potential new Doom map for a project if it goes well.

Meanwhile, feel free to give me feedback about my game and even tell other people about it.

Edit: Turns out it's 9th but still.


Posted by EyeBallTank - May 1st, 2024

A sci-fi setting with elements you’d expect: A cybernetic soldier, megastructure based city, a robot girl, radioactive wasteland, space station and a bit more.

On top of that: 2 boss fights, which is pretty new to the game.

Passwords: l13fd1", "x444ng", "am4l14", "y13g0r", "clr1ty", "kl3rrr", "tf00r1", "zrkv1l"

* Prefab: Railroad handcar that needs both characters and simply pressing S to move (And R to stop).

* At least one level features a “low gravity” scene that due to specific reasons only the main Player character has access.

* Hazard: Asteroids for said low gravity level.

* “Animated” illustrations are a thing now: Know those yellow painting things? And pressing comma for “screenshot” stuff?

* Enemy: Robot that can shoot a bouncing grenade that explodes after some time.

* Enemy: Small mutant creature that, when it sees you, starts chasing you (Can even climb up walls) and tries to eat your head off.

* Enemy: Alien brain/scorpion hybrid that shoots an energy orb that splits if you’re close enough.

* Enemy: Cyborg soldier that starts off invisible/invincible before he turns off those states so he can shotgun blast you. If you kill him in this vulnerable state, he activates a bomb post death.

* Boss 1: A floating house monster that tries to smash you with its hands but those have weak spots.

* Boss 2: A crazy cyborg general shooting you from above, but you must turn off the generators of his energy shield, so a friend you’ll make in this chapter gets to attack the boss.

* Prefab: Treadmill floor with boxes you can jump on and laser hazards.

* Prefab: A weapon you shouldn’t touch because of its security system.

* Prefab: A moving crate on tracks.

* Guest appearance: Xemarokk, a tall warlord by MarkerSlayer/PraiseAltman111.

* Version of the horizontal moving platform that has a longer path (Like the previous main update did with the vertical one).

* Cutscene pause menu has language settings (Did this to test both languages).

This world was even more ambitious than Massag-Coav.

Something specific was to see the “fake crossover” aspect so hard, that I really tried to push Yiegour as a potential FPS character.

For the next update: Hope you still remember Bonka because you’ll see her again.

Also: If you check my Newgrounds/Tumblr accounts, I posted somewhere a post linking to files of my game just because of a weird thing happening with GitHub.

I usually update that once a day and as usual: Make sure your Godot is 3.5.1.

The game is also like 5 “main” updates away from being “Mostly finished” (There’s still tweaks to be made like some art fixes, sounds, music, maybe languages etc).

It’s a bit surreal seeing how far I got here and I hope I keep going with this.

Time for some numbers: 14 cutscenes and 34 levels.

And one for thing: Someone on /vg/ (An anon, has no handle yet so far) made fanart of Zarina and people should see it:



Posted by EyeBallTank - April 15th, 2024


FairyGodBomber created a character called Ganyah, that I recently added to Nortubel and is a friend who did a lot of cool art.

Show some support if you can.


Posted by EyeBallTank - April 7th, 2024

* Tutorial levels revamp: There’s only 2 books in the first one where they have info related to the Companion’s controls and then you have a lot of illustrations across levels. Most other books were removed. This is my attempt at mixing both presenting enough info and making the tutorials less of a waste of time.

* The world titles that show up at chapters’ first levels have been changed to have stuff behind the latters. Feel free to check l3300n, b00k3r and h0lm3s to see the new versions.

* Because of this, the title disappears a bit sooner.

* It takes 15 coins to get a new life under the limit of now 10 max lives.

* Because of the above, I added extra coins to various levels.

* Some really tiny adjustments to z4r1n4

* b4rn3y/Massag level 4: Added a new basic NPC, a Dalmatian police officer.

* In the same level above, there’s a rope you can pull to hear the train’s horn.

* And an illustration of 3 NPC characters from this world.

* k4rl44/Massag level 5: Art for the cheerleaders.

* An option in the pause and main menu is a text with instructions about the game. It may be reworked better sometime in the future.

* p33tt3/Nort part 1 level 8: Fixed the van so it won’t reactivate again and its sound is in the proper sound channel.

* The "please read" button now says "current issues" so people wouldn't feel the need to read that thing for too long.

* Tutor1 and Krimb level 2/r1c0t0: There’s now moving platforms next to areas where ladders and water are close.

* Tutor3 has a new path that allows you to go back to the start.

The plans post also changed (Specially the Google Doc version, while Rentry version is way behind now).

* HirdrihLevel3/b0rhrr has 4 illustrations of Borhr, NPC’s and enemies.

* And the spider chips in the level above can be killed, classifying them as enemies.

* Some tiles were changed to have less unpleasant colors and a new set of tiles is just black outlines to make it clear some tiles are solid.

* Guest appearance: Ganyah (By FairyGodBomber), a sorceress you can meet if you destroy all targets in Nort part 3 level 3/sh1hr0.

* Guest appearance: Anna Fresser from Dreadhunter (By HemoGlobinWorld); You’ll find her in a new area added to MassagLevel2/mcshry where you press a valve to lower the water to reach a room with health.

I also did a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff for later updates, like art for future characters.
