I won't give up working on my projects and goals, but i feel it's better to spoil my ideas and stuff just so people get the idea of what i want to bring into fruition (And in case something happens to me).
This Google link contains a whole document of everything about my characters, settings, ideas, plans etc.
This is what i've been planning for almost 4 years and still want to make something solid out of it.
It's almost 105 pages long (Which could change), not that organized, confusing and perhaps "autistic" but it is what it is.
For all its flaws, there's some good and uniqueness in it.
As of 2021, i started this account with hopes i would finally do something special but as you'd expect, i put myself through a lot of plans while also being interrupted by both legit problems and obstacles but also my own flaws of lazyness and procrastination.
Because there's different truths at once, i feel a bit disappointed but i also fear giving up.
At least by exposing all of this, some may get interest enough to cheer for me.
Sometimes i think there's still opportunities and i just have to calculate things better, but that's more on the "theory" side of things.
That means too much thinking, not enough DOING.
But then again, it's still early 2022.
I guess i just need something or someone to boss me around.
Just something that tells me "Hey, are you doing something today? Even a simply sketch or some line of code?" and i say "Yeah look i got proof".
To the very few people on this planet reading and looking at my stuff, thanks.
I promise i'll make something good.
Stay with me until the end, even if things have to change hard.