Almost every art piece i did looks ruff and it's partially because of the brushes i use in Krita.
Sometimes i use a very simple pixel brush like something out of MS Pain, other times it has something to do with the size of brushes (And the overall canvas/image, meaning the small size may have limited me in a lot of ways).
But i'm starting to think i can't do proper dynamic brushes, like in almost every piece of digital art ever made.
Most of my strokes are always basic, like i'm drawing with a mouse even when i mostly use my actual pen and tablet.
Some brushes have transparent "starts" and get solid after but it's hard for me to find a brush that actually changes sizes.
If the problem is from Krita, i just need to learn about the program more, with research and help.
If it's because of my real life HUION pen, that probably means i can't take advantage of Krita's dynamic brushes because of something physical that is harder to fix.
I guess the least i could do is find a way to make Krita "simulate" dynamic brushes/pressure or whatever to make drawings feel more natural.
Because trying to "clean" some thick lines to make them more interesting would be a lot of work.
At least with the pixel basic brushes, i could try and learn pixel art.
I may update this post with better wording or new info.
Any help and info is appreciated.
UPDATE: I checked Painting Mode and changed the Wash/Build Up setting, now it seems my strokes are more natural.
Hopefully this fixes this specific issue since there's so many settings.