Working on Project Nortubel.


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EyeBallTank's News

Posted by EyeBallTank - August 13th, 2022

Follow up to https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1287887 because it finally happened.

Hopefully, i get to focus more on work.

There's obviously somethings i still wish could change but so far, there's improvement going on.

Meanwhile, Project Nortubel was updated to have a basic menu.

Which, again, is on Github.


Any help on anything, from Godot tips to even stuff like art or whatever is appreciated.


Posted by EyeBallTank - July 14th, 2022

I just want to see if i can buy a new table for my computer by tomorrow, so i'll have to safely deassamble the parts, to prepare in case i do get a new table.

One that i even saw at IKEA that: Has a better height than my current table; Is stronger; Doesn't have holes/hollow parts all over and doesn't look like it could fall apart like a wooden table that should have been in a balcony or garden, since my house has a bunch of misfitting forniture.

Meanwhile, i also put a project of mine on Godot on Github.


I do fear i could be missing certain files because i don't have an actual Github integrator on Godot and i'm also a novice at that.

So any help is appreciated.

The project so far looks like this and, if you check through the written texts, uses code from somewhere else (Credit to whoever made that Cubio demo, GDQuest and Gonkee).


EDIT: False alarm, the tables were sold and i may be lucky if i can get a reservation in August.

Or at least look for another table somewhere else.


Posted by EyeBallTank - June 25th, 2022

It's an IKEA one that i even built myself.

It's better than my previous chair which was not suitable for office/computer stuff.

I still need a proper table for my computer for the sake of both my height and because the current table might be fragile.

And a bunch of other things, honestly.

At least that's one thing off the list.

Posted by EyeBallTank - June 20th, 2022

Why? Because i should start making stuff with them instead of updating too many "plans" for too long.


Wanna change a character's outfit or personality? Just make new art.

Wanna conceptuallize a gameplay idea? That's what game dev tools are for.

I also kept slowly but surely learning things about Godot and even did some folder organization for a potential/future game project.

With all my WIP Krita stuff, 2 of them are somewhat special: One is concept/test art for game assets of a potential game (Level tiles/textures, objects, entities etc) and another is a bunch of different traces/"deconstructions" of MakeHuman models, mostly in regards to certain character heights and proportions.

Basically, if i struggle with my art, i get to use a certain shortcut that shouldn't be that fraudulent.

Even then, the art i should be releasing more often are either related to OC's (Like concept art or just sketches) and maybe fanart or crossovers; Maybe some practice stuff too.

When my game dev skills progress, i could try a Godot game jam.

Still not giving up but any help is appreciated, even if i have to be poked with a stick.

I also have some "side resources" like a Youtube playlist of helpful videos i play while i do stuff (Like tutorials and etc).

But not sure if that's helpful with actual typing/reading (I guess background music WITHOUT lyrics helps).

I've also been collecting different types of art for my potential diverse projects as reference/inspiration, but i need some software to organize and manage the kinds of images.

Edit: NVM, did another one but at least with less content and in a shorter span of time.


Posted by EyeBallTank - June 3rd, 2022

Might be a symptom of autism but one of my worst traits is when i either bring up a problem later than it should have been or when someone asks/offers me something basic and i reply with "no i'm good", in a situation where it wouldn't hurt to accept something as simple as a glass of water.

With the latter example, it's like a case of overpoliteness: Maybe i don't want to give people extra work (Because sometimes, wanting to do more for other people is something you even wish to do and not just "because i have to").

Because isolating myself is probably tied into my procrastination and why i barely even do the stuff i want to do.

There could be actual reasons why some stuff feels delayed, like stuff that just happens to get in the way or schedule stuff.

I do fear being known as "that annoying guy that keeps asking for help, as if he's got an inability to do shit on his own and actually learn skills", but dying alone is worse.

Time is money, even when you don't have it and there's nothing worse than wasting money that you don't already have.

Maybe i could at least "minimize" my delays.

I still need to take occasional brakes and a few distractions like any normal human being.

Also, i tend to worry about my own memory too.

Posted by EyeBallTank - June 3rd, 2022

  • Have a src folder for code/scene stuff.
  • Be aware of Layers/Masks (Which thing belongs in which Layer; Which Masks they interact with) and even how stuff is organized in the scene tree (Due to Godot's from bottom to top order)
  • Be aware of node stuff like "body_entered" if that's how interactions can be made.
  • Be aware of WHERE the game's files will be stored/saved (Because i want the folders to be easy to find) and tab organization, to avoid that one ColorRect specific issue with the UI.
  • Control Input stuff, so i give the program stuff that i can use for interactivity.
  • When it comes to code, there's adding gravity physics code, THEN making the script actually use it (Learned this when copying code from a Godot demo to a project of mine).
  • Maybe see the Monitoring/Monitorable settings.
  • Check Project Settings > Run to make the program open with a specific scene first.
  • Save Menu features as scenes that can be reused in other screens (Pause screen) so they're not exclusive to the main title.
  • Be considerate over "script-wide" variables.
  • Sometimes, you can use certain functions (Like inside other functions) before func definitions (Though this could be understood a little better)
  • You can't resize the default font text, so use a custom font to resize text.
  • Be aware of stuff like Autoload on project settings for "universal" nodes/scenes i guess.
  • Pay attention to the output/debugger screen.
  • Use Merge_From_Scene when wanting to take some nodes to another scene.
  • Consider Finite State Machines/enum stuff.
  • Maybe addons/plug-ins should have their own dedicated folders (Like a new project) but also make sure to copy-paste their addon related folder in the same folder as the project you want to use an addon on.
  • You can make animations use functions BUT there's a limit to how many of them play at once (Had to reinvent a melee attack because making it an animation prevented a pain state to work).
  • Speaking of Node signals: If an entity that caused an "x enters y" interaction on another entity disappears while the second entity is still affected by the interaction, the game crashes. This is why i made the enemies/projectiles invisible before actually quitting the level.

Will update this eventually.

Feel free to give me tips.


Posted by EyeBallTank - May 28th, 2022

As seen here https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1247572

Still learning some things and having to deal with IRL challenges.

I was also thinking of finding new places to branch out, just to post my art because i still want to avoid Twitter.

Posted by EyeBallTank - May 16th, 2022

Almost every art piece i did looks ruff and it's partially because of the brushes i use in Krita.

Sometimes i use a very simple pixel brush like something out of MS Pain, other times it has something to do with the size of brushes (And the overall canvas/image, meaning the small size may have limited me in a lot of ways).

But i'm starting to think i can't do proper dynamic brushes, like in almost every piece of digital art ever made.

Most of my strokes are always basic, like i'm drawing with a mouse even when i mostly use my actual pen and tablet.

Some brushes have transparent "starts" and get solid after but it's hard for me to find a brush that actually changes sizes.

If the problem is from Krita, i just need to learn about the program more, with research and help.

If it's because of my real life HUION pen, that probably means i can't take advantage of Krita's dynamic brushes because of something physical that is harder to fix.

I guess the least i could do is find a way to make Krita "simulate" dynamic brushes/pressure or whatever to make drawings feel more natural.

Because trying to "clean" some thick lines to make them more interesting would be a lot of work.

At least with the pixel basic brushes, i could try and learn pixel art.

I may update this post with better wording or new info.

Any help and info is appreciated.

UPDATE: I checked Painting Mode and changed the Wash/Build Up setting, now it seems my strokes are more natural.

Hopefully this fixes this specific issue since there's so many settings.


Posted by EyeBallTank - April 23rd, 2022

My PC screen is blacking out at times, so in case i hold off for serious reasons, i'll announce some plans of art i had for a while

  • Redraw of Bonka and 2 characters, both being magical kids from her world.
  • Redraw of B-Man and 2 characters, both being robots.
  • Redraw of the Stoker kids and 2 characters, both being ghosts.
  • 2 Non-OC drawings: A female character from a popular manga cosplaying as a videogame girl and a joke crossover referencing 2 real music artists with 2 characters, one from a game and another from a movie.

I have these as Krita files and even some planned text files for descriptions.

I've also been collecting images and files in case of potential internet outages.

The computer itself seems mostly fine and the screen's issue has more to do with the cable connecting to the screen and a triple plug on top of the outdoors table that makes up my "work spaces".

Not sure if i can afford anything replaceable since money is mostly on foods and other products.

We still haven't payed for someone's operation that hasn't been properly done for over 2 years.

Posted by EyeBallTank - April 17th, 2022

Another follow up to https://eyeballtank.newgrounds.com/news/post/1247572

Even when not working/slacking, at least i still look up inspiration and get creative in some other ways.

In fact, i thought of saving images of random things like art i like or different subjects just to use as reference or inspiration, specially when my internet is down.

Maybe i should do the same with music too.

I also plan to do non-OC art or fanart, just to get across a bit more.

Is it weird i kinda wanna make a Tumblr blog? Site's dead and shitty, but it would still be part of an attempt to expand my presence and maybe because of the "blog" format or something.
