Working on Project Nortubel.


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EyeBallTank's News

Posted by EyeBallTank - October 4th, 2022

The sky looks white at times but it's still hot, even in October.

At first, it was assumed to be African dust but there's no dust on glass and cars.

And it some places, there were weird smells like rotten meat or something.

Changes are it has something to do with climatic changes and not war or chemicals related stuff.


Posted by EyeBallTank - October 2nd, 2022

It's a wide screen one, so i got a better resolution for stuff.

Still takes a while to get used to but i can properly tilt it and change brightness settings.

Still no fix for the fan but here's something: It always spins when i turn the computer on at first, but when i put the PC on sleep mode then come back, THEN it stays frozen while the other 4 fans still spin.

Meanwhile, i may have came up with a bunch of excuses but because of how awkwardly my internet is set at home, one of my potential obstacles to my works is any family drama.

An explanation being how a member lives in a different appartment and put up a cable connected to the router thing, which is also set behind a door that must stay still.

EDIT: Now i got internet by cable.

Could be good news but by computer still has issues.


Posted by EyeBallTank - September 27th, 2022

I took a few days to reread the whole thing and do some grammar fixes and rewording (Along with some new ideas but enough of that).

Now, to focus on actually making stuff like games or at least art (Or at least take a break).

Any new ideas should be integrated in an actual project.

Here's the OC post i keep talking about (131 pages if you can handle it):


Also Project Nortubel, let's make some things from above into reality:


And my Rentry profile that could be later updated (With some other links there):


Feel free to send questions or something.


Posted by EyeBallTank - September 24th, 2022

  • I'm rereading the main OC post to fix some things (Not all). I also added 2 last characters and won't add any more unless i actually make something.
  • Some changes i wanna do to Nortubel is fix the movement/physics because of how floaty they feel and may adjust the camera and window resolution. Maybe these are easy.
  • Some small job IRL where i do graphic design logo related stuff to help someone.

Meanwhile, my internet has issues for 2 reasons: 1 being the old USB cable router thing and the other being how my internet service got worse and my family has started sending complaint phone calls to the company. We might have to change to a different service.

And then there's the PC fan i mentioned, even if the 4 other fans are fine.


Posted by EyeBallTank - September 19th, 2022


After messing around with the Desktop app, i recreated a page for my project and even redid the description using Visual Studio Code.

I deleted the original rep but at least not much was done with the project to begin with.

All that hesitation and procrastination should come to an end and hopefully my dying, diseased old man of a computer doesn't stop me.

Character sprites are still being worked on and i still got other Krita files up, some about OC's, other being just silly crossover stuff.

As usual, any help is appreciated.


Posted by EyeBallTank - September 19th, 2022

It's an Anker one and it works so far.

I'm also planning on replacing the Github repo page of Nortubel, just to finally connect it to the local project.

Meanwhile, my phone seems to have very tight memory/space and that one fan on my computer stopped moving.

Gonna be hard to back up certain files when both devices are having issues.

Maybe with the computer fan thing, it's less bad if this is one of those cooling fans, whereas a previous computer of mine had THE rigid disc broken.

Though i'm also tech illiterate, so chances are that memory and performance are affected too.


Posted by EyeBallTank - September 18th, 2022

It's one that has bright red lights and is placed vertically, but then i touched it a bit and it's spinning again.

(The computer is also open, so the insides are exposed).

This is a third hand computer, so issues like this were going to happen eventually.

So far i "fixed it" like it was nothing but i fear the future.

At this point, Project Nortubel might as well have a playable demo in at least 2024.

Don't expect me to know about changing parts either.

Meanwhile, my phone is having weird memory things too, as if it's running out of space even though i barely install anything in it.


Posted by EyeBallTank - September 12th, 2022

Only the right one works.

This sucks because there's a lot of stuff i need to hear that's for both ears and i'm sure switching the working earphone to the left ear isn't gonna present the ideal hearing of a sound or whatever.

Then again, they were very small and fragile, like something made for my phone instead of a computer.

Maybe i should get an headphone or something.

I don't want those stupid wireless buds either.

Least i could do is change settings so all sounds go through one earphone.

EDIT: Got 2 new earphones and both ears work but they seem to have a bit more reverb/echo.

This is the model i bought https://digitalome.com/en/producto/auriculares-jack-3-5mm-hep-02/

EDIT2: Someone gave me 2 other sets of wired earphones and i tried experimenting them, watching videos for examples and messing with the settings i have in the ASUS thing that shows up.

Most of them always have some sort of reverb/echo thing going on, as if the ones i had that broke were just hiding certain effects/sounds this whole time.

Or if these "new" 3 sets i just used artifically make up echo/reverb stuff to make them seem "deeper" than they actually are.

Because my volume is at like 10/100 and the sound still feels "heavy".

It's like, we expect sound to be a bar that can stretch vertically but each of these 3 earphones stretch the sound "horizontally".

Because 1 of them has that flat "speaker"-like design like the broken one and the other 2 have those "spongy" things for the ears.


Posted by EyeBallTank - September 5th, 2022

Had to embrace the concept of a token to use it.

At first, i downloaded the plug-in when i had Project Nortubel open, so a big issue was the files of the Github plug-in being added ALONG WITH the files of Project Nortubel.

This was bad news to me, specially if i wanted to use the plug-in for other projects and if it affects the main project i had open in general.

So i had to reinstall the plug-in by making a new project in Godot, by using an empty folder to store the plug-in there in the first place.

(This means i have a Godot project that's empty and only exists for a weirdly specific reason).

At least i have it now i guess.

But the REAL thing here is: How do i connect the version of Project Nortubel that is in Github to the one i have on my computer?

Because i want to make sure that updating the project on my computer/when using Godot can affect the version of said project in the Github rep page.

Making sure that changes are in both versions of the project.

The only differences that each version has are:

  • Github page shows README files, both the main md one and a bunch of txt files to fill in empty folders (Empty folders for stuff like objects or ui elements).
  • On my computer, i got that dot import file for stuff like assets etc.

I wanna make sure that a change in one version shows up in another, or at least something close to that.

Because deleting one version to replace it with the other may not be ideal.

This is one reason why i didn't work much on my project, because this new method would be less tedious.

Maybe i should research this a bit better.

EDIT: Turns out, because the Github plug-in is IN a seperate folder from the main project, it means i cannot access the plug-in when i open Project Nortubel.

EDIT 2: Good news, i can just go to that "dedicated plugin" folder i made for it, copy the "addons" folder and paste it on the folder of the main project, so i can use it there.

Now is to make sure that the plug-in can connect the Github rep version to my local version.

EDIT 3: May reconsider using the Github desktop app instead.


Posted by EyeBallTank - August 23rd, 2022


As i thought about how i keep filling this text, i thought about better ways to communicate my ideas/characters/settings and one of them was making an interactive "wiki" or "lore codex" application in Godot, so people can actually browse to see characters and stuff in a better way than a 120+ pages long text.

Because with wiki sites, Wikia/Fandom aren't trustworthy and i think some sites still require paying fees.

And Youtube videos aren't enough.

I think there was a site people used for OC categorization but it requires "sending keys" or whatever, so nevermind that (Toyhouse i think?).

If i learn a bit better about UI design for Godot, i could make something to introduce characters that could then get to be in actual games and stuff (Even if i give this "wiki app" idea some minigames to play, so the player unlocks pages or something).

But there's also a few things to consider.

  • My ideas always keep changing, which is why i keep updating the Google Doc post: Does this mean that the "wiki app" will have outdated info when an actual game is then finished?
  • Some ideas are too vague and barely elaborated on, mostly just small ideas or suggestions just in case; Or even me going "man it would be cool if i did this and" etc, so i'm not sure if they're worth adding compare to actual characters and settings.
  • It's important to be considerate with story elements, specially if you want to make something with an actual story and arcs going from point A to B; This is something to consider when making "lore material", because reading lore articles about a random event in a setting is not the same as watching a movie/show, reading a book/comic/manga or playing a game and actually going through a real story or adventure; Again, why randomly throw in something when you should make the audience experience the moments? Presentation matters.
  • A lot of my stuff has blatantly influences from different sources (Mostly because they're "OC's", so in terms of "professionalism" or copyright stuff, how do i go around and mention different properties or brands, just to give people the idea of someone's design or concept? Maybe i could go with a "behind-the-scenes" section where i mention actual media or real materials while the main articles are written in a different manner.
  • Speaking of whether or not i'd write "her hair is like that of Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3" or "his arms stick out of the armor like some classic Marvel Iron-Man designs", that's another good reason to add images, even if that means i should draw characters more often and improve on drawing skills.

Even then, i feel like i could still update that long bloated thing.

Maybe i'll stop when i have actual media for my characters.

Anyway, if anyone got any questions to ask or hints and tips:


