After a while, i got proper internet access even if constructions are still going and there’s no point trying to use my phone.
So i tried looking at the very vew comments i got while working on the game without being able to submit changes to Github.
I agree the art is ugly and i’m trying to improve it.
Some sprites now lack white backgrounds while others were redesigned and some got AnimatedSprite nodes instead.
I also did some changes to the Player sprites and endgame image because i forgot some character details.
I suppose the resolution and camera zoom contribute to the weird lines/pixels but it seems the TileMap has these white lines between each square.
I’ll try my best to make the art less bad as possible.
Redoing collisions for level scenes.
Take a look at these scenes in question:
- Water
- Ladder
- IceFloor
- SlowFloor
- Jump through platform
- Fall through platform
I felt like redoing them to make sure they are more modular instead of lazily copypasting a scene with a set size.
The easy part was getting rid of their sprites and make their visuals based on new Tiles.
The hard part was making an export var out of their CollisionShape2D size because all i wanted was a way to make their scales “accurate enough” to the pixel grid.
Then i had a solution: Do not scale the CollisionShape2D but rather the main node instead. Even this part had me checking up specific parts of a scene’s inspector and editor settings just to be sure.
The script in the Ladder scene explains it but as of now, i think i finally found a way to customize sizes for some instanced scenes’ collisions as according to the pixel grid.
Even with “tool” in the scripts, i always have to CTRL + S on the level, then do that to the scene being changed and return to the level just to see the new size (But again, the size becomes almost exactly what i wanted)
Maybe there’s a better method for this but right now, this is what works for me.
Maybe the one missing part here is the EnemyHitbox and i already had some struggles with health/damage related stuff months ago.
Either way, if i’m lucky i could not only update the game on Github but also maybe the game on Itch.