It’s like something that should have been considered before.
It’s like a mix of different things at once.
One problem might be related to the camera’s zoom because of how it tries to render pixels (As if they keep appearing and disappearing) but they barely change and it’s also because of the art itself (My tilemap is at 64 pixels units and the window size is 1024 x 600).
Least i could try is add thicker lines to some art (Or not thin lines) and try to rearrange art.
I also changed some settings to make this effect less noticeable (But there’s still some weird pixel alignment going on).
On Reddit, someone did offer a lot of suggestions on how to make the art better.
At the very least, this is tied to camera movement so if i were to add “slideshow/comic” type of cutscenes or an art gallery with art (If the art is better this time), maybe this issue isn’t that noticeable.
I also got some gameplay related feedback, so there’s things that maybe i can fix.