Sequel to and
I honestly think a reason why people hate "edgy stuff" is because of politics, meaning they think edgy stuff "radicalizes" someone into joining the Alt-Right.
But in reality. most "edgelords" online either turned out fine or BECAME the type of people going "I have recoverd/grown up from laughing at mean jokes and am now a good person with the correct politics, please approve of me".
Even then there's a lot of lefty artists/writers/musicians/etc that did "problematic" stuff.
Wonder if people that hate the Boys comic think Garth Ennis is conservative lol.
Funny thing is, we're in an age where the internet keeps being more restrict, censored and people say "unalived" instead of "dead", yet in that very same sanatized internet environment, we do get more actual Neo Nazis and RW extremists.
But none of them were radicalized because of that "edgy heckin stuff" you pretend you no longer find funny.
Hell, not even Sargon videos about "the West falling" or "SJW CRINGE COMPILATION Nº 69".
My theory? Probably some people being annoying for like 12 years and not even acting accordingly to their beliefs or proving that they do believe in them.
Even those Soyjak type of Zoomers that do end up being racist are still in the same world as the other types that whine about Genshin character skin tones.
Basically, Dr Frankenstein creating his monster and despising it.
And if you want to "fix" these people: Just show off how cringy RW shit can be like the most annoying tradcath guys posting shitty memes with Wojaks.
A clown should be easy to take down because he's easily self defeating.
But you know, "both sides might as well love each other etc".
Like really, imagine witnessing shit like the 2018 Tumblr exodus and people getting panic attacks over the most basic shit, to the point they say "ahh blud" as replacement for "ass fuck".
And even specific moments like 2014 Tumblr where people wanted a picture of food to be tagged as "trigger warning: gore".
If anything, that makes you appreciate a time when people could say crude shit without thinking "wait, what are the politics behind it all?".
We've had people shocked about that one 3D bowling pin animation, when it's nowhere the same level as a Liveleak clip.
If Millenials are already seen as "failed/insecure/struggling adults", think of how Zoomers and potentially others will end up like.
Anyway, biggest Adult Swim show is made by a guy that made all sorts of edgy jokes on a podcast and recently, is in a Let's Play series laughing at DustBorn.
The one bad thing of NG's "edgy culture" is people treating a certain artist as "just a shock jock" and I assume even some NG personalities were conscious about him, but were afraid of something, so they just quietly put it under the rug.
Chances are either Oney or Zach will have that talk, just to address it and then move on.
Like, "yeah we should've done something I'm sorry about that but we promise it won't happen again" or whatever.
Also, same people that complain about dark humor probably have "acceptable humor" like white women jokes or making fun of Italians.
Was going to bring up Dril and stuff about SomethingAwful (Do they still filter the word rape as "surprise sex"?) and am reminded of this lost tweet about Dril:
"it isnt a mischaracterization. i have been posting in the same environments as drill for 15 years and everyone else outgrew the wacky concepts + erratic punctuation and spelling style, while dril and the rest of the weird twitter fyad dudes cultivated an audience of dullards"
Sure, there's truth that some things could at least need a "time and place" and aren't for everyone.
But this is also another point I already mentioned about some stuff "not being for everyone" so it gets to be in some places for anyone that wants to look for it.
Because human beings are a social species, we tend to act differently depending on the person.
Of course the jokes you share with your friends, you're not gonna tell them to your grandma.