Body freckles are the best.
Body freckles are the best.
Awww thank you! >^<
You're making a game?
Is there a playable build of it?
We are very far from that! I'm just playing around for now to see if I stumble into something interesting :)
What's the story?
What did she do?
She's a former cannibal whose past is now coming back to haunt her because an old accomplice ratted her out :)
Love the colors here.
Thank you!
Neat characters, what are their names?
Thank you for asking! I updated the post to list character names in the commentary. I probably should have had that to begin with. lmao
Kinda reminds me of Spawn.
that's a first i never got that comment wowee :D
They say the real fruit of strawberries are the yellow parts and the red base is a plant.
From my understanding, a fruit is the entirety of a seedbearing growth that a plant produces. But I'm no botanist.
But I'm glad you like my work!
Bet he's silent even when getting fucked.
nah he still can moan and grunt just not talk
I think everytime he smokes, smoke comes out of those pipes too.
I should have done that